강수연 교수
디지털마케팅학과 겸임교수
- 전공: 조직인사, Human Resources & Labor Relations
- 담당교과: 조직행동론, 인적자원관리론
- 2014년 한양대학교 경영학과 조직인사 박사(수료)
- 2008년 Michigan State University, Human Resources & Labor Relations, Human Resources & Labor Relations, Master of Human Resources and Labor Relations
- 2005년 Michigan State University, International Relations, International Relations
- 2001년 경희대학교 경제통상학부 통상학 상학사
- (현) 건양사이버대학교 겸임교수
- (현)슈피겐코리아 HR팀장
- (전) 셀트리온 헬스케어 HR과장
- 2016.01 ~ 2018.12 University of Turku, (Introduction to Korean Management, Human Resource Management in Korea )
- (전) Zoetis Korea HR 과장
- (전) 워크인조직혁신연구소 연구원
- (전) LG Display Co., Ltd. HR 대리
- ▣ International Labour and Employment Relations Association World Congress
- - 2018. 07 Paper Sessions
- - Soo Yeon Kang & Eun Yeon Kang, “A Strategy for Green Human Resource Management: The Effects of Social Norms Messages on Employees’ Green Behaviors”
- - Jong-Soo Lee & Soo Yeon Kang, “A Study on the Mechanism of Social Pacts Development in the Korean Film Industry”
- ▣ American Marketing Association Winter 2016
- - 2016. 02 Poster Sessions
- 1.Eun Yeon Kang & Soo Yeon Kang, Employees’ Green Behavior in the Workplace and Motivations: A Comparison Between the Workplace and Household Settings